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The San Juan Islands are an archipelago, with more than 170 islands covering 175 square miles of forest, rocky outcroppings, marsh, pasture, orchard, and cultivated land.

The islands are the traditional and hereditary territory of the Coast Salish peoples, who have stewarded these lands and waters since time immemorial. 

Today, 13% of the land (18,400 acres) is actively farmed. San Juan County farmers produce mixed vegetables, orchard crops and berries, lavender and other herbs, fiber, grains, hay, grass-fed meats (beef, pork, lamb, goat, poultry), dairy products and eggs, as well as value-added products, including compost, artisan cheese, and distilled spirits. 

Whether you are visiting or enjoy life here full-time, don’t miss out on the best food in the islands – grown right here. Choosing to buy local puts your money into the local agricultural economy, giving us the resources we need to grow and thrive for generations. 

San Juan Islands Graphic
Find local food at farm stands, farmers markets, co-op markets, restaurants, grocery stores, food banks, and online at the San Juan Islands Food Hub.

Why Eat Local?

*2022 Ag Census data from the San Juan County’s Agricultural Resource Committee

Local Farmers Markets

Sold where it’s grown! Find the best local produce, fruit, dairy, eggs, fresh cut flowers and other goods every Saturday at one of the three the farmers markets in the islands.

Food Access Programs

We get it. Sometimes local food isn’t the most affordable option. There are funds available to help! Visit the local resource center, food bank, food co-op, or farmers market on Orcas, Lopez or San Juan to learn about current Food Access offerings available and sign up.

Upcoming Events

Latest Past Events

Lopez Farm Tours

Lopez Island

Celebrating Farms, Food, & Community There is something for everyone during Farm Tours of the San Juans. From educational presentations and delicious foods, to free kids activities, pressing cider, and...

Orcas Farm Tours

Orcas Island

Celebrating Farms, Food, & Community There is something for everyone during Farm Tours of the San Juans. From educational presentations and delicious foods, to free kids activities, pressing cider, and...

San Juan Farm Tours

San Juan Island

Celebrating Farms, Food, & Community There is something for everyone during Farm Tours of the San Juans. From educational presentations and delicious foods, to free kids activities, pressing cider, and...